时间:2012年11月3日 上午
08:50am–09:25am |
主题报告1 Keynote Speech 1 ARMSTRONG Neil Ph.D. “Children are Fit and Active – Fact or Fiction?” |
09:25am–10:00am |
主题报告2 Keynote Speech 2: 吉力立 教授 JI Li-Li Ph.D. “Exercise is Medicine: a Molecular Biology Perspective” |
10:15am–10:50am |
主题报告3 Keynote Speech 3: SCHOELLHORN Wolfgang I. Ph.D. “Exploiting Movement Fluctuations for Training and Therapy” |
10:50am–11:25am |
主题报告4 Keynote Speech 4: 刘 宇 教授 LIU Yu Ph.D. “Shoe Effects on Impact Forces and Soft Tissue Vibrations during Active and Passive Landing ” |
11:25am–12:00am |
主题报告5 Keynote Speech 5: 王永泰 教授 WANG Yong-Tai Ph.D. “Role of Physical Therapy in Sports, Exercise and Health” |
时间:2012年11月3日 下午
01:00pm–01:35pm |
主题报告6 Keynote Speech 6: 刘沅龙 教授 LIU Yuan-Long Ph.D. “World Record Prediction and Human Limit in Track and Field and Swimming” |
01:35pm–02:10pm |
主题报告7 Keynote Speech 7: 陈忠庆 教授 CHEN Trevor Chung-Ching Ph.D. “Muscle Damage Protective Effect Conferred by Preconditioning Exercise” |
02:10pm -02:45pm |
主题报告8 Keynote Speech 8: 朱为模 教授 ZHU Wei-Mo Ph.D. “Theory and Practice in Youth Fitness Evaluation” |
04:00pm–04:35pm |
主题报告9 Keynote Speech 9: 程蜀琳 教授 CHENG Su-Lin, Ph.D. “Parental Influence on Body Composition, A Life's Journey: Birth to 18 years.” |
04:35pm–05:10pm |
主题报告10 Keynote Speech 10: 张 冰 教授 ZHANG Bing. Ph.D. “The Design and Practice of Expert System of Exercise Prescription” |
05:10pm–05:45pm |
主题报告11 Keynote Speech 11: GOLLHOFER Albert Ph.D. “Whole Body Vibration – Why does it Work, Why does it Fail. ” |