



美国弗吉尼亚州丹维尔市功能动作系统大学(Functional Movement Systems University)创始人Lee Burton博士将于410日来我校讲授功能动作系统(Functional Movement Systems,简称FMS)课程,欢迎硕博研究生及教师踊跃参加!

Lee Burton个人简介:

Lee Burton博士是功能性动作系统(Functional Movement SystemsFMS)公司的联合创始人兼主席,该公司是一家致力于以系统方法来进行伤病预防、制定训练计划的教育咨询机构。Lee拥有弗吉尼亚理工大学健康推广方向的博士学位,擅长运动医学、运动表现提升和伤病预防。作为世界知名专家,他出版了许多关于人体运动以及竞技表现的著作,与NBANFLMLB以及美军特种部队等机构和组织有密切合作。注册伤病防护师、注册体能训练专家。


授课内容:Today when we begin any exercise program the focus too often is how much can I lift, how many reps can I perform or how fast and long can I run.  We forget that quality must come before quantity, especially when it comes to exercise. During this presentation Lee will discuss the process in which you can ensure you are focusing on how well your client or athlete is performing during exercise and activity, not just how often.  Lee will review the latest evidence pertaining specifically to this methodology and how it can be used practically to improve your outcomes.  The focus of this presentation will be to utilize specific case studies in a variety of personal training, strength and conditioning and sports medicine settings to demonstrate the benefits of this philosophy.

时间:2018410 18:0020:30

